
by cassano • Uploaded: Apr. 19 '12


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Description: Logo for a residential building that is connected with the world around them. Its differential is to be surrounded by several commercial sites that make life easier for residents. The focus is on students and young families.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 3030
Tags: apartment house building conected

Lets Discuss

cassano May. 21 '12

Thanks for the tips.
I guess it would be well on your way. Maybe after I do a test just for fun, because it is already being used.
I'll do better next.

cassano May. 22 '12

No problem. Even if the work is already being used I like to hear criticism to see where I could have done better and thus improve the next.
I'm developing other materials and there's still time to bump up "residencial".
Thank again.


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