Red Servitel

by carlosolaizola • Uploaded: May. 09 '07


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Description: Logo for cable & service provider.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 1636

Lets Discuss

dache May. 09 '07

What is your designs concept? How come no color red?

nido May. 09 '07

hey dache, you know why woody allen called his 1971 movie 'bananas'?**it had no bananas in it :)

jackg May. 09 '07

because there is no red colouring i read the name as %22RAD%22

carlosolaizola May. 09 '07

Hey dache, RED in spanish means NET, that's why I didn't use red color.

dache May. 10 '07

Ok thats nice, so what is the concept of this design?

chappy May. 10 '07

it's a sweet design, but i dont see it for anything having to do with technology or .NET, .COM or whatever. I like it for some sort of urban clothing label or gadget toy....I dont know. I doesnt come off as a cable and internet provider unless you live in outer space! But it looks cool. JETSONS ROCK!


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