Nervy street wear

by carlosolaizola • Uploaded: May. 07 '07


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Description: Clothing Store.Trendy clothes for trendy people. Location: Barquisimeto, Venezuela.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 1983

Lets Discuss

kaimere May. 10 '07

i like but i keep seeing pervy street wear ... damn the mind is in the gutter today

COG Jun. 19 '07

Love the design and really don't care what it says. I want to connect with you. Need your help.*

the glue Jul. 23 '07

Hey! eso es copia de un trabajo de modo q se llama fauna crepuscular! Hey people, this is a copy of a venezula designer called MODO, please visit and in logos section, search for that logo.*Fake designer... you suck!

the glue Jul. 23 '07

buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!! stinks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

the glue Jul. 23 '07

The same shit motherfucker!

the glue Jul. 23 '07

Please visit and in the logotypes section search for this copy, fake motherfucker

Hayes Image Jul. 23 '07

It does look similar to a design on Modo's site%3B 'Fauna'%0D*%0D*But few of Modo's designs are blatent rips of other designs i.e. Simpl3 %3D London Subway %26 one of Modo's self-branding is the Puma Sportswear logo.%0D*%0D*All in all, there is enough differences between Nervy %26 Fauna to be plausible %26 'the glue' needs to calm down.


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