Boulder Soupworks

by campfire • Uploaded: May. 30 '10


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Description: Each batch of home-made soup is hand-crafted with a love for organic and all-natural ingredients making each serving a hearty one ripe with flavor and texture.
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 2169

Lets Discuss

cbarr28 May. 31 '10

i like the concept. have they chosen the final version? one idea i had after looking at yours was to use the soup ladle for the letter %22b%22 and the steam for the letter %22s.%22 but then again...that would make their logo %22bs%22... don't know if that is what you want ppl referring to your soup as lol

campfire Jun. 01 '10

Thanks for the suggestions. I will try them! Yes cbarr28, A final concept was chosen almost 2 summers ago. You can see it here: Another designer I worked alongside did it. This one I am tweaking before using in my portfolio.


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