Hope Logo 4

by bsehenuk • Uploaded: Jul. 09 '09


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Description: Logo design for HOPE, an organization that works toward ending human trafficking in Thailand.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 7089

Lets Discuss

ideoma Jul. 21 '09

the phrase doesn't make sense! is it %22helping, other people exist%22?

bsehenuk Sep. 19 '09

The phrase does make sense. It should be read as: Helping other people exist. No comma is needed.

logoboom Sep. 19 '09

this could be a cultural thing but a black bird isn't typically a metaphor for hope...but rather for melancholy

bsehenuk Oct. 20 '09

Good eye logoboom! This non-profit organization prints all their tags in black and white, which bear the logo. But I'll propose to them to try going with at least one color! Thanks.

signkingaz Dec. 11 '17

Can I have a vector file for a backdrop this charity wants me to print?

bsehenuk Dec. 12 '17

@signkingaz I didn't think that HOPE existed anymore as a nonprofit. Are you working for a different charity that wants to use the same logo? I can't do that if that's the case.


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