by birofunk • Uploaded: May. 28 '09
Logo for an accountancy firm called OnePlus.
"OnePlus is an accountancy firm that believes in
Simplicity, Efficiency and Reliabilty."
As seen on:
Client work
Lets Discuss
Love the negative space here, well done.
ReplyThanks Rudy!
Replycool the only thing that's buggy is the %22l%22 and %22u%22 not touching properly like the rest of the letters*
Replyyour dead right, i've tightened it up. thanks for the comment!
ReplyOh yes good one you have my
Replythanks oski, just updated with a final use by client
Replythanks Anthony, that means alot!
Replyreally nice work
Replythanks Konrad!
Replykick ass
Replythanks milash!
Replygreat stuff Biro, great to see some good logo design coming from my home town.
Replycheers man, i'd have to say the same for you. I love your Walsh Castle logo
ReplyI like the negative....nice!
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