Working mouse

by baspixels • Uploaded: Apr. 18 '12 - Gallerized: Apr. '12


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Description: I hope the logo explains
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 9854
Tags: working link usb mouse

Lets Discuss

Type and Signs Apr. 18 '12

oh man .... long time no see ... hope you are fine ... ;D

baspixels Apr. 18 '12

@bernd thanks friend :) i been in some medical treatment and doing private projects! thanks for the concern mate. You really have become a superstar here :)

sabb Apr. 24 '12

o wowwwww its really very nice concept:D

marinadiamond Apr. 24 '12

Nice stuff! If I had a business that repairs mice :)) it will be perfect. I like very much your ideas. I need a logo for my business idea, and honestly I don't now what to choose. I mean I need something more simplistic, minimal. Anyhow nice job, keep it going!

baspixels Apr. 24 '12

Thanks guys :) special thanks to @marinadiamond, @sabb :) I love the way you expressed your love towards the logo :) thanks

@marinadiamond Feel free to contact me

gabriel-dubois Apr. 24 '12

great logo design - simple, elegant to the point. just how a logo is supposed to be. would probably work for an outsourcing company since some Indians are bound to be doing the work (but let's not get judgemental).

you shouldn't be that general; the site is full with logos and assets, so there is a lot to chose from. You should provide some more info on your business, or the brand you want to promote, or anything.
Then, are you searching for someone to design a logo for you, or are you searching for ideas for your logo? If you are searching for someone to design it for you, you should really go to sites that offer this type of service (haven't seen requests here on logopond).
If you are looking to design it yourself, you should use free-for-commercial-use assets. For example grab the font from, get your brush or texture from a portal, like, then post it here, and let the other users review and comment on it.

marinadiamond Apr. 25 '12

Gabriel, I am looking for a logo for my business, a Travel Agency. I like very much the website you recommended I found there something interesting, but the other website you recommend it, it's to difficult so if you can explain more, I will appreciate it.


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