Fastlane Rod & Custom

by bartodell • Uploaded: Mar. 17 '08 - Gallerized: Mar. '08


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Description: Another Hot Rod logo that I just finished. :)
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 5068

Lets Discuss

Hayes Image Mar. 18 '08

It's very hard to illustrate a hot-rod that doesn't look cool, but that's because it was the golden age of cars...that being said, I think that this is a superbly awesome logo, especially because it remains simplistic (instead of the typical photo/high detail stuff associated with automotive designs).**Rock on!!

OcularInk Mar. 18 '08

Great job on the Hot Rod, dude. This works very well.

admarcbart Mar. 18 '08

Thanks guys! Building custom cars and trucks is one of my passions as well. So I had a lot of personal interest in this one. Thanks again!

firebrand Mar. 18 '08

'My little deuce coupe'. Good work you petrolhead!

daleharris Mar. 19 '08

Awesome work Mr. O'Dell.

Jeff Fisher LogoMotives Mar. 29 '08

A great image - I love the beautiful treatment of the hot rod.


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