by bangideas • Uploaded: Jun. 04 '11
To demonstrate one of the teaching methods used in the golf lessons: the target method.
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Lets Discuss
This is really nice. One thing though, and that's just me nitpicking: There's no hole by the flag %3B)%0D*Tiny kerning issues here and there (between D %26 Y, between O %26 M, between B %26 E).%0D*The fact that there is no golf ball or club makes me happy.%0D*Other than that it looks friendly, professional and fun. It's just a shame that his web design doesn't match the quality of his logo.
ReplyHi Wonk,*Thanks for the feedback all comments well received and noted. Yes it was a shame he didn't use me for the web design, just opting for a cheap solution. Say no more :)
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