Flipside Design Logo revamp

by banger • Uploaded: Jan. 23 '14


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Description: My freelance design company "Flipside design" has had it's logo for 18 years. Over time I have given it subtle changes, but the original hand outline (taken from a photo of my hand) has always remained the same. Today I revisited my flipside logo and revamped it! Cleaned a few lines and reversed the artwork.
As seen on: flipsidedesign.co.uk
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 2251
Tags: toss flip hand flipside

Lets Discuss

ClimaxDesigns Jan. 24 '14

the connection of the skin to the pinky looks off, perhaps research that area visually?

banger Jan. 25 '14

Thanks climax, I will take a look at it again and perhaps get a photo of someone else's hand! My hand is a poor subject as I have dupuytren's of the pinky and can't get it straight, probably why the graphic is a little off.


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