Straight Arrow Production

by avirto • Uploaded: Dec. 01 '09


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Description: Straight Arrow Production just for fun:)
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 1498

Lets Discuss

joec Dec. 01 '09

Can't stop thinking about 'Just Creative Design' logo resemblance.

avirto Dec. 01 '09

You are right. This was inspired by Jacob Cass work. He is a great designer:) and he has one of the best blogs about logo and graphics:) Cheers :D

december.jy Dec. 04 '09

I lose the W and it's too similar to Just Creative Design.

eziemac Dec. 04 '09

its a completely different concept to JCD, only because it has a arrow shape at the far right of it. Your safe in my opinion.


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