New Totem

by THEArtistT • Uploaded: Jan. 20 '12


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Description: The original, seen here: was never finalized due to the company disbanding. I've always meant to update it as a personal logo. I took the time to do so today (a little). I'm still working on it off and on. I would like to possibly replace the Wolf with another animal. Not sure what yet. I would also like to add an untypical Ram to the top. Someday I hope the updated version will replace the one that has all the bad memories in the Gallery.
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 4,828

Lets Discuss

THEArtistT Jan. 20 '12

Updated version of**Yay? Nay? David? I would rather this updated version go into the book than the previous one. The old one carries some crappy memories.

THEArtistT Jan. 20 '12

My bad. I got two emails so I 'assumed' both logos got in. This one did not in fact make it. (Relieved!) Still, it spurred me to finish it like I had always said I would.

oias Jan. 21 '12

I%B4d like to see the turtle instead*the first character, lot of work in *this logo very detailed congrats

THEArtistT Jan. 21 '12

The turtle was drawn to represent the other partner. Sorry, it had to go.

THEArtistT Jan. 22 '12

Thank you all for the floats. :)

Type and Signs Jun. 15 '12

this is brilliant stuff Trish .... I'm your fan ...

THEArtistT Jun. 15 '12

Thanks! Same here, TaS. :)

THEArtistT Apr. 19 '13

I've updated this again. I finally got the snake head looking the way I want... mostly. I realized the other day that I have harder lines in the Bobcat and Wolf because I wanted them to look carved. I forgot to do that with the Bear and Snake. And of course I want to change out the Wolf to another animal. Probably the untypical Ram and put a Crow on top. Oh, I don't know. :P

banger Jan. 26 '14

I'm new to logo pond so just finding my way around and spotting some very talented designers with varying styles. I love the style you have used on these animals and the totem looks great.

THEArtistT Jan. 28 '14

Thank you Neil. Love your work, too. It is a style I wish I could pull off. :) And thanks guys for the recent floats!


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