by soulcreative • Uploaded: Aug. 01 '07
Typographic logo for a vintage letterpress shop. This logo is used interchangeably as icon (O & L letters form a Q), jointly or type alone.
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Lets Discuss
%22ql form a Q%22**Is it not rather %22Q%22 (or %22O%22) and %22L%22? Do you think the letters QL are well represented with lowercase type around it? Is it homogeneous?
Replyvery nice and simple.
Replyi like the mark's simplicity but i would have used sansserif around it. emphasizes it.
ReplyIm more inclined to agree with degro ... would sharpen up the QL a bit more ... **Might be interesting to play with the kerning on letterpress to get an visually balanced mark might work might not ...**Great mark thou ....
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