by danyb3ar • Uploaded: Sep. 05 '10
First uploaded logo. Is an institution against aids. I hope receive feedbacks.
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Hey Daniel,*I am familiar with red AIDS ribbons and I am asked to incorporate them in a lot in my work. So I see that you are incorporating the ribbon here. One suggestion is not to break the shapes apart completely. One side of the ribbon can overlap the other side and you can use that break to form the O in COE. But IMO - you lose the ribbon entirely when the form is broken into pieces from top to bottom and although the word SIDA %22AIDS%22 is included, the connection to the iconic red memorial ribbon is lost. I like the direction you are taking this. I hope this feedback is helpful.
ReplyThanks muse7 yes i thought about it, but overlaping shapes i lost the heart shape, and that cannont be, cause the institution want to comunicate the love that they give to the community, i think your way can see better but wouldnt get de same message, thanks for your feedback man i hope upload more logos, thanks again
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