American Wine

by andrewrose • Uploaded: Nov. 09 '11


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Description: Part of a dribbble playoff. This might not make sense to some Americans. But it's probably a familiar image to quite a few people internationally.
As seen on: Dribbble
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 5218

Lets Discuss

malicho Nov. 09 '11

funny, you weren't complaining when nazis were ravaging you.

andrewrose Nov. 09 '11

It's an observation not a complaint. Go read a history book.**What did the Nazi's have to do with Cambodia, Vietnam, Guatemala, Indonesia, Cuba, Congo, Laos, Grenada, Lebanon, Libya, El Salvador,*Nicaragua, Iran, Panama, Iraq, Kuwait, Somalia, Bosnia, Sudan Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Yemen, Pakistan, Yemen?

malicho Nov. 09 '11

glad you brought it up, i happen to have a degree in history. **to avoid dragging this into a political forum, you know most of those are a result of the rise of communism, no need to get specific. and if you actually knew anything about european history you would know that the US didn't start the opposition of Russia (reference the Ottoman empire, Crimean war, etc). in fact, if you look at most of those nations, they were occupied by european nations right before a plea for US intervention (boo hoo).**what did the US have to do with the largest wars ever fought on earth?

andrewrose Nov. 09 '11

Delivering democracy to bomb at a time. **Thanks for the history lesson bro. I wonder what Cambodian civilians had to do with the spread of Communism. ***Regardless of the justifications. The US has dropped has dropped a s**t ton of bombs. So my logo is pertinent. Deal with it.

malicho Nov. 09 '11

yes, stick to logos.

andrewrose Nov. 09 '11

Stick to history. Clearly working out brilliantly for your. **Failing that you can always fall back on your trolling abilities.

ru_ferret Nov. 09 '11

Winner! Really impressed on this one.

andrewrose Nov. 09 '11

Well said Ben. TBH I really didn't mean to cause offence. And I apologise to anyone who interprets it as an attack. As I said over at Dribble, most of my favourite people are Americans. This is more a comment on foreign policy.

Type and Signs Nov. 09 '11

rad ... great version ... !

raja Nov. 09 '11

I think dropping wine bottles out of a plane would have solved a lot more problems :D

logoboom Nov. 09 '11

Comments like that are why I love you a purely platonic way of course.

shake Nov. 10 '11

To be fair, you could replace 'American' with a load of other countries. I'm English and my country loves dropping bombs too. As a UK tax payer I can think of better things to spend money on.

notjelly Nov. 10 '11

As an American designer I see this as a very humorous and poignant (albeit overly simplified) statement. The idea is solid. Well done!

logomotive Nov. 10 '11

Americans drop goods too not just bombs. :)

watermarker Nov. 10 '11

Yes, they did 1948 in the Berlin Airlift, to which it reminded me in the first instance. BTW... it not completely new concept (but its whine instead of milk):*I really like it... well done!

watermarker Nov. 10 '11

-h (wine) ... I didn't mean to... :)


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