by andreaderuggieri • Uploaded: Oct. 22 '08
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Description: logo for a photographer. Status: Nothing set Viewed: 2981 Share:
i like it but i can't understand the concept.
wow! risky but beautifoul!
this photographer wanted a sign that symbolize his love for cartridge instead of digital
Sprocket holes in the film?
@firebrand yes... thank you and i'm sorry for my english sometimes i find difficult to explain what i want to say.*i think tha the negative of this logo worked better than this but client didn't wont a color background
firebrand and readeruggieri, thanks for the explanation. :)
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i like it but i can't understand the concept.
Replywow! risky but beautifoul!
Replythis photographer wanted a sign that symbolize his love for cartridge instead of digital
ReplySprocket holes in the film?
Reply@firebrand yes... thank you and i'm sorry for my english sometimes i find difficult to explain what i want to say.*i think tha the negative of this logo worked better than this but client didn't wont a color background
Replyfirebrand and readeruggieri, thanks for the explanation. :)
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