by alexa101 • Uploaded: Sep. 09 '10 - Gallerized: Sep. '10
For web site about food and wine and cooking....
Work in progress
Lets Discuss
I think this concept have potential. Anyway, I think the marks needs some work. When I first looked at, I thought the brightness of the cup formed a third fork, might be an idea. :)
ReplyAgreed with Breno.
ReplyGreat Idea..the mark is amazing...but the type is not the best on IMO
ReplyNice new take on an (imo) overused idea!
ReplyNice mark, was wondering why no dot on the i?
ReplyI have to agree with the font!! I do like the mark!
Replyhmm, i've done something similar. Is this client work?
ReplyThanks for comments everyone - much appreciated. Agree with you all on font but the client liked only this sort of type... anyway, they are not so keen on the design so I guess it's a %22no-go%22 on this one - shame, I did like the forks/glass :)
ReplyI remember in the past year and more accurate selection of logo was done. :(
ReplyYour logo has been lifted. (logos)
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