
by akitash • Uploaded: Jun. 02 '07 - Gallerized: Jun. '07


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Description: productos exóticos
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Viewed: 9369

Lets Discuss

chanpion Jun. 02 '07

Fabulous use of colours! I don't think you need to change a thing! Nice job.

kult house Jun. 04 '07

That colored %22b%22 is extremely distracting from an otherwise pleasant logo.

akitash Jun. 04 '07

Thank you all! %0D*%0D*Yes Kult, the Colombian colors are yellow, blue and red, and these are represented on the type.. and that blue is that i need. What can i do? (excuse my english)

kult house Jun. 04 '07

The blue is represented in a very small area of the total logo. The way it is, it's quite offsetting. Since you need to incorporate those three key colors, I'd strongly consider re-working the logo to tie the blue in more, making it more prevalent in some way.**Also, you can see a faint white outline around the colors within the letters (o,o,b,a). It's not very flattering, and I'd try and fill in the space completely with color.**Otherwise, I enjoy the design in general. Also, the lettering looks hand-made, except it looks almost as if it was drawn with a mouse (look at the %22a%22). Assuming I'm right, at larger resolutions, any unrefined areas will really be obvious. I might consider re-drawing the characters again at a better resolution, then scaling them to the appropriate size. Draw on paper, scan, vectorize in Illustrator.

reds Jun. 05 '07

i like how it inspires visions of latin wildness.*kult house%3E%3Ethank you for providing us with your insight!

akitash Jun. 05 '07

Kult: Thank you for your comments! These are very important for my job. Tus apreciaciones ser%E1n tomadas en cuenta y lo discutir%E9 con el cliente. Todo lo que sea para mejorar, bienvenido!%0D*%0D*Sin embargo, con esta marca se resaltan los colores c%E1lidos y las formas r%FAsticas (la tipograf%EDa existe, no es dibujada a mano), para reflejar el calor humano del pueblo, las bondades del clima y acercar al p%FAblico a un establecimiento lleno de energ%EDa, arte y folclor. El color azul es necesario por ser parte de la bandera, pero por tratarse de un color fr%EDo, al darle alg%FAn protagonismo, le quitar%EDa la vida que el s%EDmbolo quiere transmitir...%0D*%0D*A todos los dem%E1s gracias igual!%0D*(excuse my english, i'll try to write it better soon)

kxmode Jun. 07 '07

Salsa-ish! Nice! Akitash how about changing the %22b%22 to blue instead of using a color fill?

macmiami Jun. 25 '07

pregunta? es el logo para una tienda? o para promocionar a colombia?**Gracias

akitash Aug. 08 '07

Respuesta: es el logo para una tienda que vende productos ex%F3ticos, dirigida a p%FAblico extranjero en especial... so, por ah%ED derecho vende a Colombia %3B)

michaelcampos Aug. 23 '08

hola! buen concepto y buen uso de colores brillante!


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