Another Queen

by akeative • Uploaded: Dec. 01 '08


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Description: Logo/Identity for Ladies Fashion Store
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 1646

Lets Discuss

pineapple Dec. 02 '08

The %22A%22 and %22Q%22 treatments are problematic, as they're similar to several other logo designs. It seems to be a fairly common implementation (in other words, %3Ci%3Eeverybody%3C/i%3E has the same idea. Even a company as large and as integral to the design community as Quark can get tripped up.**%3Ca href%3D%22 vs. Scottish Arts Council%3C/a%3E*%3Ca href%3D%22 Logos Look Alike%3C/a%3E*%3Ca href%3D%22 Airey and Dosh Dosh%3C/a%3E

jsae Dec. 06 '08

nice and clean, but needs more distinction between letterforms. might work better with overlapping transparencies (you'd have to tweak the colors, tho)...or thick/thin weights?


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