by a_lanevski • Uploaded: Nov. 11 '08
Oldschool Gangsta Dancers
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Just for fun
Lets Discuss
Sushkov dancing :) .. Though it looks more like jumping rather than dancing. And I'd consider losing nipples.
Reply%5E So why do men have nipples? Ever thought of that?
ReplyWhy Nipples. so you have something to twist
Replyha ha, no really. What is it's purpose on a man?
Replywhere is his neck?
ReplyWho said it was a man to begin with ?
Replythe negative space between his legs makes it look like he feel into a toilet.
ReplyNegative space Or a martini glass hic
Replythnx 2 all :)%0D*it's just a joke-concept on some Sushkof based person...%0D*%3E%3E Sushkov dancing :) %0D*.. you are right Epsilon :)
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