Simmons Billiard Tables

by VictoriaJadore • Uploaded: Jun. 11 '12


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Description: Logo for a small billiard repairs business. Still needs work, but these are the rough versions of the 2 I like the most. I welcome constructive criticism. The client wanted a clean, modern design that avoided "tacky clichés".
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 1493
Tags: repairs billiard pool

Lets Discuss

AaronAndary Jun. 15 '12

May I suggest possibly including a mark of some sort of some billiard balls racked up in a triangle over or underneath? I think it could add that little last dimension you need.

Jadoredesign Jun. 16 '12

Thank you for the suggestion, Aaron! I do feel it needs *something* as it doesn't feel quite finished. I'll play around with your idea and see how it goes. Appreciate your feedback.


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