Squid Media

by VR • Uploaded: May. 01 '09


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Description: Just a concept.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 2001

Lets Discuss

theartistt May. 01 '09

the lettering needs work.

gyui May. 01 '09

I would flip horizontally the %22q%22 and isn't that an octopus and not a squid? squids have like an arrow shaped head and more arms.

cseven May. 01 '09

Nice illustration. What if you could re-work the text to fit underneath him, with the tentacles and lettering combining?

vr May. 03 '09

Thanks for the feedback guys, and yep I agree with him lookin a little more like an octopus (the head mainly) and I should play around with the text more, really liked the way the bubbles interacted with it (because I had him sitting on the text earlier.


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