by V3creation • Uploaded: May. 21 '12


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Description: Face of the Lord Yama(God of death) and face of the lord Buddha(God of wisdom and peace) and in the Negative space there is the Initial "Y".
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 2357
Tags: nepal god buddha Yama

Lets Discuss

xuforia Jul. 08 '13

Very nice concept. However, I suggest that you add a bit of character to each face. You could invert the colour on face Yama to make it a black face and then create a white Buddha face. This way it's instantly obvious between the dark and light power they possess. Also, instead of having the space between that make them look like bald, why not continue it with the yama's horn/buddha's hair bun and see how it looks. All in all, very impressive work. Keep it up :)


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