Spin v5

by Tømme • Uploaded: May. 09 '10


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Description: wip
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 9033

Lets Discuss

JF Dec. 18 '10

I personally don't think anyone %22ripped%22 anyone off, but this design from May reminded me of one of dache's latest designs... **http://logopond.com/gallery/detail/122374

contrast8 Dec. 18 '10

agree, i also thought about it

JoePrince Dec. 18 '10

Based on Thomas' design history, I highly doubt he ripped a logo from David. I do agree, though, that they're very similar - I'm sure it's probably coincidence.

lecart Dec. 18 '10

Actually, it's the other way around, hypothetically, of course. May comes before December.

JoePrince Dec. 18 '10

%5EOh haha didn't even look at the date...

nido Dec. 18 '10

funny... if Thomas' HAD come after no doubt somehow dache would've noticed... and simply posted a link %3B)

ethereal Dec. 18 '10

Kind of reminds of Hayneedle too, just an FYI: http://www.hayneedle.com/

wizemark Dec. 19 '10

Great stuff, Thomas. (nido got the point.. this ain%60t the first time for the similar situation)..

Tømme Dec. 19 '10

ouhh some trash talking and I wasn't aware of it %3B) Lol nido, you are always so clever :p btw, how come you aren't on twitter or dribbble of anything hot like that? Oh and about the sticks... I think we all ripped of Mikado %3B-)

nido Dec. 19 '10

%5Emerci mon ami... I will take that as a compliment %3B) I am on twitter, at least I have an account, I just don't really twit that much... as for driiible I haven't had an invitation lol... no, really... I am a member of many design sites that I have zero work posted on... so not in any rush to join another one :)

Tømme Dec. 19 '10

jep was absolutely meant to sound like a compliment %3B-) you are becoming an old spinster mate, your last tweet was on the 1st of march :P

lecart Dec. 19 '10

how do you get on dribbble anyway? i used to score a lot in highschool basketball team if that helps anyhow.

Tømme Dec. 19 '10

I think knowing the right cheerleaders could be more helpful %3B-) You have to get invited by someone who is already a dribbbler. But dribbble knows how to play the marketing game and they don't give away many invites... **Forrst is quite a nice alternative and there are some cool peeps on it. I have a few invites left for that site, if you want one...

Lecart Dec. 20 '10

hey thanks for the offer man, but im more into the dribbble thingie, seems more popular. thanks anyway.


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