Click Canada

by Type08 • Uploaded: Dec. 15 '09


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Description: Personal project.
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 4652

Lets Discuss

ALL4LEO Dec. 15 '09

yes,it really cool %3B)

JoePrince Dec. 15 '09

I want it to be symmetric for some reason Alen.

eziemac Dec. 15 '09

beautifully simplistic :) love it

Type08 Dec. 15 '09

Leo, Joe and Euan, thanks fellaz! *Joe, I think it gave it even more dynamics! What do others think?

JoePrince Dec. 15 '09

Yeah you're right. I looked at it before my eyes were even open this morning Alen. Forgive me, looks very nice.

Type08 Dec. 15 '09

Nothing to forgive mate, I appreciate all your comments and suggestions. This is just my approach, if brand name contains some 'actions' parts, like do, go, buy, click, enter, save, give, bring, jump, run and others I always try to somehow incorporate that 'movement' in the logo... Thanks man!

siah-design Dec. 15 '09

Hey, that's us! :) Sweet concept, Alen. I personally want to see the stem flat on the bottom. Seems a little weird for me to see it angled. Otherwise I think its bang on!

fanego Dec. 15 '09

Very cool cencept.

Type08 Dec. 15 '09

Aight guys, seems like angled bottom gives wrong impression, adjusting it now, uploading in a sec...... Thanks all! *Siah, if YOU like it, a Canadian native dude, my job is done! :) Thanks a lot!

Type08 Dec. 15 '09

Adjusted... Thanks!

siah-design Dec. 15 '09

Yup, this Canadian loves it :D Never seen it done before. Nice work bud!

Type08 Dec. 15 '09

Thanks Siah, I really really appreciate it!

Type08 Dec. 15 '09

Andre and Matt, thanks guys!

logomotive Dec. 15 '09

why don't you try to angle the arrow like a cursor?

Type08 Dec. 15 '09

I wanted it to be all Canada... Maple leaf at angle looks like falling... Not good...

logomotive Dec. 15 '09

I think it would be stronger. The arrow shows up ward direction and would look more like a maple leaf anyhow, showing more of the %22click%22 aspect but just my own opinion.

logomotive Dec. 15 '09

To be honest other than the red it don't quite look like a maple leaf yet.

Type08 Dec. 15 '09

No probs, Mike, thanks! In Canada everything is special, even cursors stand upwards! %3B)

logomotive Dec. 15 '09

Mine points up too. :) take it or leave it just pointing out my opinion just like you do.

Type08 Dec. 15 '09

And I said thanks... And I mean it...

logomotive Dec. 15 '09

Whatever bud, was not trying to be snappy just trying to offer suggestions that's all.

NeilMcDonald Dec. 15 '09

Nice and effective. Good job Alen! )

cerise Dec. 15 '09

Very creative Alen nice execution too

Type08 Dec. 16 '09

Mike, read all our comments 3 times again, trying to find the place where I was negative towards you, really don't know why did you get it that way?!*Neil, Cerise, Sean and Fabster, thank you all, glad that you like it!

OcularInk Dec. 16 '09

Not trying to take sides, but I think Mike got frustrated because you rarely take the advice from others. Many a times when someone offers you a suggestion, you dismiss it and basically say your logo is correct the way it is. That's my interpretation. I too think an angled arrow would convey a cursor much quicker than it how it is here. The way it is seems like the easier solution. But I bet, if you pushed this a little further, it would be even stronger. %3B-)

vasvari Dec. 16 '09

Good client work!

Type08 Dec. 16 '09

Thanks, Kevin! You already told me that offline and I fully understand you. I don't just sketch some logos and hit them on the Pond, each and every of those go through all project phases, from analysis, ideas, concepts and others, it is really strange that Mike thought that I didn't take that approach into consideration. And I just responded on his comment, that's all, do I have the right do disagree with him? *But we also spoke about subjectivity when it comes to design analysis and there's an example in this case as well. Super great designers and my role models like Fogra, Siah, Logoholik, NeilMcDonald, Brandsimplicity, Geniuslogo and many others confirmed this as a master piece, don deal, and on the other hand super great designers and my role models like YOU (from day one) and Mike think that it's not finished or wrongly approached. *What should I do man, fix it, take it down, leave it as it is? Hm? I always go by my guts and this time I really think it's original and 'nailed' enough to be left as it is and that's my right (or I hope so). *And just to add, all of my comments are really constructive here, I never spread any negative energy on the Pond man, never ever! Nido tried to drag me into some deals, Tonfue tried, The Artist tried, some others tried, but I didn't accept that kind of the 'game' because I know how it would end. But I could. There are some work of great designers here that I don't like at all, but if I don't have anything constructive to comment I rather don't. *After all, it's all good, I really like comments from all of you, there is a red flag on maybe 3 or 5 logos in my folio (asked by client), it's always green around my house because I don't have anything to hide. I just keep my right to disagree from now and then as I didn't expect from others to immediately accept my ideas and adjust their logos just because I 'thought' it would worked better...

Type08 Dec. 16 '09

Peter, sorry, left you out by mistake, thanks for the comment! :)

Type08 Dec. 16 '09

And by the way, if you look at the top of the comments, I already expected some nice critics and adjusted this logo at the start, so this is really a wrong opportunity to accuse me of something like that... Sorry Kevin, still 1 love, no probs at all...

Type08 Dec. 16 '09

And by the way, if you look at the top of the comments, I already accepted some nice critics and adjusted this logo at the start, so this is really a wrong opportunity to accuse me of something like that... Sorry Kevin, still 1 love, no probs at all...

logocrave Dec. 16 '09

love it - very strong logo bud

OcularInk Dec. 16 '09

How about a little experiment? Do another version with Mike's idea. Post it up, see what others think. There's always room for improvement. Nothing is perfect. I think Mike is in a league of his own and sees things sometimes others might miss...even the majority of the pond users.

logomotive Dec. 16 '09

Alen IMO your remarks sounded kinda sarcastic to me. Good concept bro really is... I just saw some improvements to make it,.. perhaps slightly better? SOMEONE once said %22 A logo can always be improved.%22 But I guess you have a masterpiece now,. so I guess you can ignor any further suggestions... to try to make it the best it can be and that is your choice and understandable because ya gotta stop designing sometime ehh? All cool.

ethereal Dec. 16 '09

I've been watching the discussion and saw the other variation and personally I like this one as it's more of a direct correlation to the Canadian leaf shape. I think the arrow/pointer works best like this to correlate with the shape of the Canadian leaf and it's clearly implied that it's a mouse pointer. I like this a lot but one tiny thing I do concur with Mike on is the white space between the arrow and the leaf shapes, I think it's just a tad too much and could be closed up a hair. I'll shut my mouth up for good after this one last nit pick - I think the arrow might be a tad large right now and I would suggest reducing it a little and by doing so the leaf shapes will become more obvious and you will strengthen the correlation to the Canadian leaf. Again, Alen, if your ears are blowing smoke right now I apologize but it says you are actively looking for critiques. I'm good with it the way it is but what I have suggested here is just my 2 cents on a couple very minor nits I have with it.

logoholik Dec. 17 '09

For what is worth, my vote goes for this one instead of slanted one. Good work!

Type08 Dec. 17 '09

Sean, I fully agree with you, but please take in consideration that this logo has to work on favicon/avatar level as well, when less of the negative space would really make it look ONLY as a maple leaf, which I tried to avoid here. And please don't get this whole situation wrong, all your comments and suggestions are more then welcome buddy, I respect you for doing so! Thanks!*Bojan and Sean, thanks a lot guys, I appreciate it as usual, especially coming from Logomasters like you!

ethereal Dec. 17 '09

Hi Alen - Ah, I see, good call for it to work small. I look back at my midnight comment last night and I seemed a little jerky, sorry about that, didn't mean to sound that way at all I think I was just worried my comments might be annoying given how much discussion this mark has got. It's a great mark, and I chimed in early saying so, it's a very solid design and I like it a lot!!

Type08 Dec. 17 '09

Cheers Sean, no probs, all good mate!

Houston-we Jan. 07 '10

Can't believe I still didn't comment on this. Drama drama drama. ))**I also prefered this one. I like how the mark is standing, for me it's symbolizes consistency and strength, where as the other mark is falling to the left (yes, I know it's cursor...). Those are just associations that popped in my head.

Type08 Jan. 09 '10

Thanks Dalius, I also prefer this version.

Paulius Kairevicius Feb. 28 '12

Really like the simplicity and cleverness!


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