
by Type08 • Uploaded: Mar. 29 '11


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Description: WIP for the pizza house from Istanbul, Turkey. Concept: best pizza equals exclamation symbol!
Status: Client work
Viewed: 9311

Lets Discuss

lecart Mar. 30 '11

It's an interesting layout, man. But it hink I prefer the other version. I like the typeface in this one.

Type08 Mar. 30 '11

Thanks buddy, both valid points. Personally, I like the first one the most, but guess what, client just ditched them both and sent something my way as a final guideline. I am surprised a bit, but Mikey Mike asked few days ago - do you get clients that change specs in the middle of the project? We should form a club maybe...

lecart Mar. 30 '11

%5E If they pay some extra, I think they're allowed to. After all, it is a branding process, and if they change their mind in the right direction, it's all god, I guess. Looking forward to you final proposal.

Type08 Mar. 30 '11

I am not surprised with the spec change (it happens, do I support it or not, that's a totally different topic) but I am surprised with the new direction/approach :)

Type and Signs Oct. 13 '11

amazing work ... need a pizza ... !

Type08 Oct. 19 '11

Tnx! One of the weirdest clients I ever worked with (as some other members on LP can unfortunately confirm it).

javaap Oct. 19 '11

I remember seeing the one in use, it has nothing on this one Alen, great work!

Type08 Oct. 21 '11

Thanks bud! Client's choice, all good! :)


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