Cloudless Sky

by TwinklinPixi3 • Uploaded: Dec. 22 '09


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Description: The client wanted a contemporary, clean, simple logo that had no clouds in it, used blue, and looked like a sky. I decided on a strong and confident font, with a playful icon of a kite to represent the quirky side of the company (coaching and mentoring company).
Status: Client work
Viewed: 1322

Lets Discuss

TwinklinPixi3 Dec. 23 '09

Thank you :) The font does work better when you see it on a business card etc, it doesn't sit so close to the kite which makes it work better :)

JF Dec. 23 '09

I like this, but unfortunately the kite loses detail. Not very scalable. I like it a lot, though.

mfrank Dec. 23 '09

I like the works for me I guess. The kite could be blown up a smudge and thickened a hair to see everything.


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