Texas Medical Group

by Satansgoalie • Uploaded: Jan. 19 '09


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Description: Logo design for a medical insurance co.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 3828

Lets Discuss

grabbdesigns Jan. 19 '09

this is clever, i just think the lines need some refining.

mr. m Jan. 19 '09

I think if you lost the drop shadow and made the lines slightly thinner, you'd have a dead set winner. Maybe play with the colors so they weren't just 'red and blue'? Add some grey/lighten them? IDK, Red and blue work, they just seem really saturated.

LoGoBoom Jan. 19 '09

I agree with the above. Great concept and I like where the mark is going but the overall layout is a tad sprawling.

logomotive Jan. 19 '09

%5E I agree. maybe just a couple beats and have lower Texas into T?(reduced type) or fix the ratio of mark and type but great concept.


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