Sami Joe Mansour

by Samijoemansour • Uploaded: Dec. 01 '12


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Description: Personal logo.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 2464
Tags: design equalizer music personal identity

Lets Discuss

kylernezin Dec. 01 '12

Unfortunately, the text is not legible for me. Is music what you do for a living?

samijoemansour Dec. 01 '12

Ok this is your second harsh comment on my logos :( I just hope you are not taking your failure on other designers because after looking at your gallery that seems to be the case ;)
And apparently after looking at your personal logo you either a jewelry designer or a steel factory owner...

kylernezin Dec. 01 '12

The only reason I ask is because if it\'s not relevant to what your business is, why incorporate it? My logo is just a flashy K :) It is relevant to my style as I like to illustrate with the cubist style.

I will omit the other comment you made as it was pretty rude and I don\'t want to continue that kind of mentality on this forum. I am just offering my opinion whether you agree or not.


samijoemansour Dec. 01 '12

No hard feelings man i admire your professionalism!
And please please negative comments are always constructive keep hitting me with them dont make my silly comment stop u ;)


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