KJ Limited Recruiters

by Salma • Uploaded: Aug. 19 '15


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Description: Strong dynamic shapes were chosen convey confidence and synergy. The 2 diamonds merge to represent “the perfect match” which is what KJ Limited aims to provide to their clients. KJ specialises in recruiting temp staff such as sales representatives, PA executives and girl fridays; which makes a high percentage of the target market young, professional females. The glitz and glamour of the striking gold would appeal to this demographic. There are many reflections in this logo. The left reflects with the right and the top with the bottom as KJ provides a service for both sides: employer and employee. You will notice a K reflected within the shape as well. This solid shape is clear and precise. Perfect for any printing or material application. Be it gold foil printing, embroidery, laser-cutting - you name it. For online application it will be recognisable even if it is as small as a fav icon and will work well on platforms as large as billboards.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 2387
Tags: metallic square KJ k

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