МУШУ суши

by Sagitov • Uploaded: Mar. 10 '15 - Gallerized: Mar. '15


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Description: dragon japan sushi
Status: Client work
Viewed: 5472
Tags: sushi

Lets Discuss

chanpion Mar. 12 '15

Thats one sweet illustration! But the fill on the flames and the tail is fighting with the rest of the great linework. Now it feels sort of 'incomplete'. It's screaming out for the dragon to be filled with colour or more shadows. Just my 2c, otherwise a nice piece.

nido Mar. 18 '15

Brilliant illustration. That's the bit I agree upon with Chan. As for the fill, I think it actually looks very good, lends it some extra depth. Nice work.

CamoCreative Apr. 04 '15

Good mark and font placement and good colours for this one.

Sudjarwovovich Apr. 26 '15

this is a crazy drawing! Love it... but I think the scales (that looks like arrow) and the left hand need some extra depth...very nice :D


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