Seasonal IPA

by SKitanovic • Uploaded: May. 27 '18 - Gallerized: May. '18


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Description: This sunday I was revamping an old work, didn't know how to name it, but I knew that it will be for seasonal IPA beer, with citrus notes and summer vibe. So, there is a combination of several elements, snake and oranges as a part of the snake, leafs, hops, and a woman in the centerpiece of the logomark.
As seen on: dribbble
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 4,879
Tags: logo design ipa hops stylish

Lets Discuss

AndreasZaugg May. 28 '18

great expression and style!

xvanegas May. 29 '18

Very elegant good job!

MilaSmith Sep. 11 '18

Wow, that's gorgeous.


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