Turn Night on

by Rincon • Uploaded: Dec. 14 '09


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Description: monogram proposal for a modern new night club.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 1529

Lets Discuss

OcularInk Dec. 14 '09

Hey Anthony, it's a clever idea, but you might reconsider based on this:*http://www.logodesignlove.com/logos-using-the-standby-symbol**Also, does the night club have anything to do with computers? That's my first association I get from the symbol. Hope I'm not being too harsh.

JoePrince Dec. 14 '09

Nice link Kevin. There's probably like a million more too out there.

brandclay Dec. 14 '09

I actually disagree with the above, just because after looking at the logos listed in the post, none resembled the concept here.**Nice job, I got the concept right away before I clicked on it.

logoboom Dec. 14 '09

How is this a monogram?


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