Working Parts

by Respiro • Uploaded: Aug. 22 '08


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Description: WORKING pARTS is the collective name for a series of projects happening in the four Black Country boroughs - Dudley, Sandwell, Walsall and Wolverhampton. Funded by the European Social Fund, through the EQUAL programme, the work is focused on Arts and Disability, with the aim of improving cultural opportunities for disabled and deaf artists and audiences, whilst educating and assisting venues and promoters to be more accessible. One of the aims of the project is to introduce deaf and disabled people to the concept of Social Enterprise and discover ways of sustaining artistic and cultural opportunities through business development.
As seen on: Working Parts
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 2066

Lets Discuss

Kokolynee Aug. 22 '08

Love this.*Great creative use of the font in Parts

respiro Aug. 22 '08

Thank you, Kokolynee!


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