by Reghardt • Uploaded: Sep. 28 '08
Logo for fictional English training business
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Lets Discuss
Um... shouldn't it be an American flag?
ReplyThought a British one would be fine, do you think an American one would be more fitting?
Reply@tconrad: In the United Kingdom people speak English too! :)**Nice work here, a very direct and simple logo.
ReplyEnglish is from England, right?
Reply@logomotive: Yes, but this is the United Kingdom flag, the England flag is a red cross with a white background :)**@cake_sama: No, I think the UK Flag fits perfectly. %3D)
ReplyWhat I was trying to get across, is that English is not originated in America and it is actually closer related to the UK.
Replyah okay cool thanks guys, so the flag can stay :)
Reply*bangs head against wall***oh, good concept though.
Replylol, thanks
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