What is pink?

by Ras • Uploaded: Dec. 06 '07


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Description: Coaching agency
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 757

Lets Discuss

TernaciousT Dec. 06 '07

Ummm, not sure how the icon links to the name, I see an L and pink of course. Your makin some nice negative space that forms a H, but that has no link to the name. There's a phallic look to the icon forms just incase u hadn't realised! Jury's out on this one, maybe needs more work.

ryantoyota Dec. 06 '07

I'm confused with the icon as well. The type seems off to me also, especially because the tight tracking harms the legibility. None of it communicates coaching to me. Overall, I have no idea what this logo is for.


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