by Raja • Uploaded: Jul. 03 '07 - Gallerized: Dec. '07
Forthcoming giant health and lifestyle complex
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yet another very nice mark raja! Loving the type (which font is this?) and the mark has nice energy and an aspirational feel to it - perfect for health and lifestyle. Only thing I would say is the (possibly unnecessary) hairline suggestion of the full circles will likely disappear at small sizes and may lead to complications when applied to signage etc.
ReplyThe font is GE Inspira which is a GE ONLY font that shouldn't be used by anyone outside the company.
ReplyEthosDA....ummm I do believe you are incorrect. The letterforms are quite different. The A in GE Inspira font contains archs as this typeface that is presented here is straight.
ReplyLOL @ Ethos.
ReplyOne of the best I've seen lately
Replyvery coooooool .. dude ...
ReplyI agree with s7even. The circles seem redundant. All else looks good.
ReplyThis is a very very good execution (as usual Raja), but the same concept (the %22x man%22) has been used over and over...
ReplyTo tell the true the circles look like an error...did someone forget to remove a development step?
ReplyAnother excellent work!
ReplyInteresting name choice but nonetheless a great design :))))))))
ReplyIs it just me or does %22shoryuken%22 come to mind?
Replythanks everyone**The circles are not an error, they are there for presentation. They will be a big part of the branding initiative.**The font is VAG rounded light
Replyyou can see the logo implemented here *
Replyyes - it is!
Replyreminds me of...**
Replyyes... she looks just like this!
Replyoh man, am I ever missing that reference Nido
ReplyThe circles aren't very noticeable on the website, either. But I don't think it matters one way or the other. With or without the circles, I think the logo is very good. And the treatment of the figure is not same ole, same ole. I like it.
Replythanks theArtist - they didn't seem to use the circles motif as approved - they changed quite a bit from the original style guide and 3-D renders of the facility. There is a video up on the %22Xanadu web site%22: showing some press coverage in the news.
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