
by RadekBlaska • Uploaded: Aug. 15 '11


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Description: LOGO FOR SALE.
Status: For sale
Viewed: 4,033

Lets Discuss

Bernd Aug. 16 '11

wow ... I like this one ... very cool

GopsokLa Aug. 16 '11

Waoo.. Very cute rabbit.

choerte Aug. 16 '11

Cool mark!*You could try to make another ear and get a V out of it... just a thought :)

oski Aug. 16 '11

Thank you guys. Chrtomir actually good idea lets see if second ear not break the flow to much.

atomicvibe Aug. 16 '11

This is pretty awesome. I'd be interested to see if Chrtomir's suggestion works. Seems like it could.

designtofeel Aug. 16 '11

I don't see any reason to try and make a V out of the mark. It says %22volt rabbit%22 and the mark IS a volt/rabbit. Nothing else is needed. I think too often designers try to forcefully insert the initial letter into the mark, when it's presence isn't really needed and doesn't add much. I think this is great as is, though I'd like to see the rabbit facing right somehow.

garychew1984 Aug. 16 '11

i love this rabbit!! cute!!

THEArtistT Aug. 16 '11

I agree with designtofeel, but I can also see the second ear, too. at some point you have to stop sweating the details.

deiv Aug. 21 '11

this is really mad :))

oski Sep. 12 '11

Thanks to all for comments! I am always open to all ideas so I tried choerte's suggestion but second ear doesnt work for me. Balance and flow of the mark seems to be the best as it is so have to agree with Sam and Trish %3B)

oski Oct. 10 '11

Thank you yhanktou and javaap!


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