by Phunk • Uploaded: Apr. 25 '07
Logo for a Government Agriculture Portal
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Sorry for those who started commenting and rating, the system wouldn't allow me to update my logo without deleting it! :(
ReplyYep I was confused by that, that's why I deleted it, thanks for the info!
ReplyDon't really know if you change the type but it looks much more better like this. Don't really like the %22a%22 in Portal. I also think that the mark is more powerfull without this %22so-well-executed%22 transparent door (cf. your previous version). Why wouldn't you try to work with your previous version adding a subtle inner shadow in the mark, to re-create this door concept...? I also think that there is a balance problem between the mark and the type. The mark seems too big regarding to the type... I think you're very close to something great!
ReplyThanks again Thomas, good advices, I'll work in that direction defenetly! Thanks!
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