Some updates to House Of Pheromones

by PheroJoe • Uploaded: Aug. 13 '17


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Description: This is currently a concept idea for the website, . It was quite difficult to come up with a concept for this one, but I am quite happy with the icon design (although it was adjusted to fit in with logoponds dimesions - its not as wide as I would like it). The goal was to convey what "pheromones" actually are, which are basically body odors, which can have an effect on others. There are pheromone colognes and perfumes on the market, that are typically used to make someone feel or be more attractive, social, high status, etc. Whether or not you believe in them, the idea was to show that they are synthetic products, as well as have a specific purpose, which is why the sprayer bottle is shaped like people having their arms interlinked :)
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Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 658
Tags: love romance perfume fragrance

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