by Oronoz® • Uploaded: May. 28 '08 - Gallerized: Jun. '08
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Lets Discuss
Very creative and very nice!
ReplyThis is the best light bulb illustration I've seen here. Very good color and font choices as well!
ReplyI think it's great too but look a little closer into it and what do you see??
ReplyHa, I see it. Nice illustration btw, Oronoz.
ReplyThose dang leprechauns!
ReplyTnxs a lot guys!! :D*** not just a light bulb, like itsgareth says look a little closer into it n_n***logotivity...%22Those dang leprechauns!%22??? i don%B4t get it jejeje
ReplyGreat approach to a worn out idea. Nice job, dude!! :-)
ReplyTnxs Kevin!! n_n
Replyleprechauns??*i hate to be vulgar but i think what 'itsgareth' is saying is that it looks like somebody is pleasuring himself hahah!*Either that or i need to watch a whole loada disney films to give my brain a bit of innocence again!
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