Villa Royale

by OMNI • Uploaded: Feb. 26 '09


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Description: Logo proposal for a luxury villa complex in Morocco.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 2586

Lets Discuss

THEArtistT Feb. 26 '09

I like this one the best by far.

gyui Feb. 27 '09

i agree, i like this one the most as well. my only thing is how would it look with more up and under criss crossing of the borders, i.e. the middle 3 verticals crossing above the single horizontal, maybe have 1 or 2 of the verticals go under? and I also think the tops are little too close, maybe give them a little more breathing room to distinguish one from the other?

OMNI Feb. 28 '09

Yeah, the points are a bit too close. I tried the horizontal line going over and under the vertical lines but it looked %22too much%22, that's why I left it just going under.


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