
by OLIVERAKOS • Uploaded: Sep. 06 '10


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Description: this brand is suitable for any film company related with media, films, productions studios.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 4899

Lets Discuss

muse7 Sep. 06 '10

Too cute! only thing i see is tightening up the kerning between the F and the i or better yet introducing a ligature.

sdijock Sep. 07 '10

No offense, but I think Steven Spielberg beat you to the dream, moon and kid logo with his company DreamWorks. The general concepts (and names) of the two logos are a little too close in my opinion. And I personally wouldn't want to go up against Spielberg and his large wallet in court.**http://www.goodlogo.com/extended.info/2678

Type and Signs Oct. 31 '11

float and fave ... pretty impressive!


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