Bruce County Public Library

by NoeticBrands • Uploaded: Jul. 20 '10


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Description: Logo proposal for Bruce County Public Library. After some research I found that Bruce County is famous for its lighthouses across the county.
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 6131

Lets Discuss

djac Jul. 21 '10

The logo is very well executed. Simplicity rules! **About the Lighthouse I think you are giving to much attention to it. Dont forget, its still a library :P*****

Noetic Brands Jul. 21 '10

Thanks djac. You're right but library could be anywhere. Bruce County is very considerate about its I wanted to give it 60%25 heritic and 40%25 library reference.

hyperborea Jul. 23 '10

But there's no place for original ideas out there Riz.*You saw the results? I like the mark but would consider another typeface. Cheers!

Noetic Brands Jul. 23 '10

I know Andrej... specially that place. :). Thanks for the thought I'll explore typeface more but will change the name and maybe put it up on brandstack.

oski Jul. 26 '10

Nice, I like the layout of this!

lumavine Aug. 24 '10

Clever hidden book!

AlexWende Aug. 24 '10

don't like the gradient on the logo but everything else works great. very nice job!


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