Insight India Pvt. Ltd

by Nitish • Uploaded: Jan. 05 '11


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Description: WIP for a crisis management/ surveillance firm. The mark is a formation of a maze with the letter I at the centre.
As seen on:
Status: Client work
Viewed: 10264

Lets Discuss

nitish.b Jan. 07 '11

%5E%5E%5Ethx ben and mav...:)

Sean Heisler Jan. 07 '11

The addition of the i is a nice move, I like this.

vernics Jan. 08 '11

Magnificent work on %22i%22. Very clever stuff.

raja Jan. 10 '11

great concept and colour - very original**what is criss management?**

rudy hurtado Jan. 10 '11

This branding system is Raja's already he owns the style, I suggest a new angle or direction.

nitish.b Jan. 10 '11

%5E%5Esean %26 vernis..thx feolwz!*@raja..thx a lot. its a crisis management firm. i ges i had a typo...:)*@rudy...r u kidding?...:) the client wanted a maze with an i at the centre...what should i do?...ask him to be scared of raja's branding system?

rudy hurtado Jan. 10 '11

What I'm saying is that even if the client like to see something, color red, white letters, maze with angled lines, square shapes are extremely close to Raja's, I mean you could have done something orange which still crisis color, circled maze, with some curves, and probably black letters, who knows, just a different direction on the same concept, just saying. do what you need to do I guess.

nitish.b Jan. 10 '11

@ rudy - the final outcome of this branding project is in pantone blue. Will be replacing that as soon as the project finishes. the project is a rebranding for a security and crisis management firm called insight india private limited.****on the issues on raja's concepts. maze are not patterned by raja, they existed before mr raja ever used them. And frankly if u look at raja's maze, its not really a maze, it dose not form a puzzle that can be solved. jus by calling urself amaze, you dont become the owned of each and every maze in the world...:)

sbj Jan. 11 '11

cool guys..agree with u nitish on this.. %26 its also got approval from raja then wats the point behind this discussion.*This mark is really nice..

rudy hurtado Jan. 18 '11

Nitish, good job, the website looks great with all the integration, it has a feel of its own.

nitish.b Jan. 20 '11

%5Ethx mr rudy..:) cheerz!

hyperborea Mar. 28 '11

this turnes out great!


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