Opal Bank

by NicelyStrange • Uploaded: Aug. 24 '10


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Description: "Opal Bank" is a premium bank catering for high peforming individuals. This logomark is part of a larger identity which is currently in progress. Critiques are welcomed.
As seen on: Nicely Strange
Status: Student work
Viewed: 9146

Lets Discuss

richardbaird Aug. 24 '10

Hi NicelyStrange, really like where your going with this, it has lots of scope for patterns to support the brand. The only thing I'm not keen on is the cut on the top of the 'L' (I can see it follows the angles but its not for me) and how the 'P' and 'A' aren't complete. I would guess your trying for a more distinctive letter form but I think the simpler the better.

nicelystrange Aug. 25 '10

Hi Richard. Yes, definitely thought about the scope when starting this. The cut on top of the %22L%22 and inside the %22P%22 and the %22A%22 we're put in to add a bit more character to such structured lines. I felt the loops of the letters and the straight line in the %22L%22 were a bit too plain. However, you make a good point and perhaps it is a bit too much.**I will try some options where this is stripped back. Perhaps I can still add these little nuances but in the form of curving some edges instead?**What does everyone else think?

thomas Aug. 27 '10

Nice mark and colour scheme. Have you try to wark with the mark and the nam separated?

nicelystrange Sep. 26 '10

Richard - I've taken your advice and stripped it back a little. I'm pretty happy with it, thanks for that.**Thomas - I do have an option in my working file where the opal hexagon is sitting outside the logotype but it just didn't feel right. However, the mark itself is used on it's own in some of the other rollout.


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