by NEXQUNYX • Uploaded: Aug. 27 '09
WORD PLAY- just for fun folks! Saw a cruise ship dock downtown yesterday and got my inspiration:)
Just for fun
Lets Discuss
cool mark
ReplyGreat idea - i like it a lot.
Replyclever! well done!
ReplyWay too cool!
ReplyGreat idea! :)
ReplyReal Nice, the shark fin and text are good, but the other stuff should have nice evenly spaced smoother lines IMO
Reply%25Thanks for looking y'all!%25
ReplyNice idea my friend!
Reply_Cheers dadado!_
ReplySweet concept!
Replyi literally said: %22wow.%22 when i saw this.
Reply_Thank you!_
ReplyType is paired well with this one. Good use of subtlety with the logomark as well.
ReplyI like how you used the Shark's fin for the ship's front :)*Very nice...
Replyhey, need to contact you about a logo for me. [email protected]
ReplyFun stuff!
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