by NEXQUNYX • Uploaded: Jan. 08 '09
skull + scholar = SCKULAR
Jan 17'09- revised type and cap.
Nothing set
Lets Discuss
I really like the concept bro, I have a couple of suggestion however, I hope you don't mind!***%231 Skull Shape* I would like to see you put a jaw on this one, kinda like the previous version but without gaps between the top and the jaw. It might make it more abstract but still recognizable and you may not even have to worry about the teeth!***%232 Typography* Not feeling this typeface bro, the roundness of it just doesn't feel right, something simple with nice edges and maybe some angles might fit better.***%233 Name Case* The name and concept might benefit from all uppercase letters, might give a bolder more scholar(Proper names deserve proper casing) feel.**Feel free to ignore my comment bro, I was just trying to take a break from working on some back end on my site, I figured I'd drop you a line!
ReplyPatrik, I think it looks better but agree with Kode about the type. I don't think there is a need for the bottom jaw, most skulls don't have them in reality and if you look around most designers don't use them because enough is said without it. I think you need to give the grad hat a slight curve like the top of the hat so it looks like its actually sitting on the head and not just stuck over the top (looks flat now), it will give it more real perspective.
ReplyReally nice concept, I agree with Kode about the font!*I agree with logomotive about the jaw thing saying enough as is, I was just wondering if merging the head and the jaw would make it a little friendlier? Even though it's a skull and may not be perceived as friendly!***
ReplyI like both designs equally. Personally I don't see anything to tweak. All the suggestions so far are personal preferences. Your designs are solid. Keep it up.
ReplyThanks y'all for your comments:)
ReplyRevised version:)
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