Mason Surveyors

by Myco • Uploaded: Aug. 15 '09 - Gallerized: Aug. '09


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Description: Updated version with new colors, type, and (hopefully) a less game-pad/mask like mark.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 9003

Lets Discuss

jf Aug. 17 '09

It's nice. Like a golf course.

bouchardoli Aug. 17 '09

I really like the approch. Maybe a bolder font? It's great, but I feel that everuthing is the at the same weight. Maybe the with the mason bolder, it will give alittle bit more pace to your concept.**It's just an opinion.

ogtbarnes Aug. 17 '09

Great mark love the idea!

myco Aug. 28 '09

Thanks everyone for the comments. I'm still experimenting with different weights for the type, but so far I'm liking this evenly weighted version best.%0D*%0D*Thanks again for your input!

Brandsimplicity Aug. 28 '09

Nice topographic solution:)

cseven Aug. 28 '09

Superb. Agree with Bandsimplicity on the topo solution.

JF Aug. 28 '09

Congrats on getting into the gallery!

esotericsean Aug. 28 '09

I can imagine a heavier type, but it looks good this way too. I love those maps :)

dbunk Aug. 29 '09

brilliant solution

Brock K Sep. 09 '09

I of course see a topo map. but I also see a xbox controller, sorry video game nerd. I agree with some that the typography should be heavier. I love the mark and it is weighted evenly with the text, but after I move off the mark I am let down by the text. I would like to see a version with Mason larger and heavier and then Land Surveyers llc smaller and not extending past Mason


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