H films*

by Muamer • Uploaded: Oct. 17 '09


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Description: © Muamer ADILOVIC DESIGN // MA:DE
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 4614

Lets Discuss

OcularInk Oct. 17 '09

How's it going, Muamer?! I did this one a while back. http://logopond.com/gallery/detail/16328 But I haven't seen anything else.

logomotive Oct. 17 '09

I also did an H Film logo, but different concept and execution. http://logopond.com/gallery/detail/64576

MomentumMagazine Oct. 17 '09

Reminded me of yours also Mike.

Muamer Oct. 20 '09

YO! Whats up Oc, Mikee %26 MM %3B-) Thanks for the help guys. As you can see this is really simple H/film logo and I'm still wondering is it possible that this (same) logo not been done %22sometime%22 before (any other links, anyone)??? Yes, it is close to Mike's 1 hour films, but different enough, IMO. Thanks again...*


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